VIDEO: The flames have been raging on Shara for three days, 50 hectares of forests have been consumed, the announced rainfall is a solution

Photo: Free Press

Flames have been consuming forests in the Shar Mountain National Park above the village of Tearce for three days now. The terrain is inaccessible. The location is about two hours' walk from the village of Tearce. From the "NP Shar Planina" facility, they say that they have neither equipment nor enough employees to intervene professionally, but the weather conditions also make extinguishing difficult.

"Our estimates are that more than 50 hectares of land have been burned, one third of which is forest, and the other is fern and high mountain pastures. It is a terrain that is difficult to access and a previously burned area, where there is a lot of wood mass damaged previously, most likely from illegal cutting, and that is the potential for it to burn quickly. For a short time to spread a fire in January is really a rare occurrence of Chara. Currently, "Shar Mountain National Park" has minimum resources, minimum human staff and we are forced, unfortunately I must say, to improvise with equipment. We need support in equipment, so that our people can intervene quickly, said Anela Panayotova, Head of the nature protection department at "Shar Planina NP National Park".

Due to the thick fog, the team of the National Park has been withdrawn from the burning site today. We see the salvation in the announced rains, because even the Canadian planes cannot intervene due to the low temperatures.

"Thanks to the DSZ, a Canadian aircraft also intervened yesterday, but the conditions were such that the temperature dropped quickly because the wind increased and there were no conditions to make another flight, only one side of the fire was extinguished, our team extinguished another side, but overnight it continued to it is burning and the fire is still burning and it is not known on how many sides, because there is not enough visibility, because there is fog. The pilot informed us that a minimum of 5 degrees is needed for the plane to be active, because the water is freezing and therefore no more overflights could be made, so we should wait for the weather to help us, said Anela Panayotova, Head of the Nature Protection Department at " Shar Mountain National Park".

The weather forecast predicts rain in western Macedonia, which is the only way to save Shara from the denudation of the forest surface.

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