VIDEO | The unusual natural phenomenon "square waves" poses a danger to even the most experienced swimmers

Among the dangers that lurk in the oceans and seas, there is one that "hides" behind the interesting appearance. We are talking about an unusual natural phenomenon that poses a danger to even the most experienced swimmers - "square waves" or "restless seas".

Most imagine the waves calmly "rolling" toward the shore, in relatively straight lines. And how would you react to the sight of the sea "divided" like a chess board?



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Even experienced swimmers can be in danger in certain conditions, and experts advise getting out of the water immediately in case of "square waves", LadBible reports. They look beautiful and are created by two wave systems meeting at an angle greater than 45 degrees.

However, what happens below the surface is less beautiful and can lead to accidents. Water currents can be a serious threat to swimmers, surfers, and even smaller craft. These waves can form in a few minutes and reach a height of up to three meters, and they can disappear just as quickly. Otherwise, the phenomenon is usually associated with strong and localized tides.

Although it is difficult to imagine the waves moving at the angle required to create a square, it does happen. From the air it can look like there is a net under the water that creates strange shapes. In reality, "square waves" occur when two waves meet at different angles, usually as a result of different weather patterns, UNILAD writes.

"Square waves" often occur in France, the South Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and elsewhere around the world.

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