The boy Konstantin Doshljac in the Prva TV studio / photo: Prva / screenshot

VIDEO: Powerful words from 13-year-old boy Konstantin, who lost his fingers due to a firecracker

A thirteen-year-old boy from Serbia, Konstantin Došljak, had a serious accident during the New Year holidays, when a firecracker exploded in his hand and he lost two fingers. He and his father Zlatko Došljak were guests on the morning program of the Prva television and with to warn parents and children about the danger. It all happened when Konstantin received a large firecracker from his neighbor, which first caught fire and then went out. However, it exploded on his fingers.

"I was walking through the neighborhood with a friend. I had a few small firecrackers with me. My friend and I wanted to throw them next to a dumpster. My friend threw it. A man came up and asked who threw the firecracker, and then asked where we got it. We didn't tell him, so he gave us a big firecracker, we threw it, and then he gave us another one. When he left, my friend and I wanted to light the one that was left," says Konstantin.

"First it was turning on and off, I saw that it wasn't working. We were running and while I was running, I saw that something was smoking, I smelled it. It was in my left hand, I somehow managed to throw it away. As I threw it, it broke. It was near my little and ring fingers. Blood immediately gushed out. A woman came out and threw ice and told me to put my finger in a bag of ice. I didn't know where it was. I was laughing, and my friend was screaming. I couldn't believe it, I didn't feel any pain. I just felt heat," the boy said.

"We found part of the finger, my friend found it. We put it in a bag and we found a woman, we asked her to call an ambulance. She was there until my father came. They tied my wound with a belt, so that I wouldn't bleed."

Zlatko Došljak, Konstantin's father, offered to donate finger bones for his son.

"My ex-wife called me and said he was in the hospital. I got there quickly. I entered the room and he was wrapped up, his face was bloody, he was burning, his whole arm was literally burning. You are simply helpless, and I didn't even know what happened, what was under the bandages. The worst thing for me was when they took him to surgery and when the doctor told me what they had done to him. I would have preferred him to do that to me than to tell me what had happened. Unfortunately, he lost more than half of his little finger and half of his ring finger," says the father, adding that Konstantin was only interested in whether he would be able to train boxing.

Constantine, without hesitation or anger, spoke bravely and openly about the terrible misfortune that had befallen him.

"I don't care about this, let's move on, I don't want to cry in the hospital. I just wanted to know if I would be able to box. At first they said they didn't know, but after the surgery they told me I would be able to. Then everything was easier for me. My parents never bought me firecrackers, they constantly told me not to throw them. Now I want to tell my friends not to throw firecrackers," said Konstantin, causing surprise and delight among the hosts because of the way he spoke about the incident.

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