VIDEO INTERVIEW | Prof. Momirovski: Kiril Pejčinović spoke the Macedonian language and could not feel otherwise than as a Macedonian

Kiril Pejčinović could not feel any other way than as a Macedonian, because he proves it in his works, where he takes the Macedonian language as the basis of the Macedonian identity and uses it as a starting point for presenting all his possibilities and abilities on a literary level - says the professor Boris Momirovski, a long-time writer and author of the work "Ogledalo na Ogledalo" in an interview with "Slobodna TV" one week after the canonization of Kiril Pejčinović as a saint.

Prof. Boris Momirovski, who is a native of Leshok and is a great connoisseur of its history, about which he has published several books, tells how the act of canonization went in Leshok and Tetovo and what it means for the state and the MOC.

Prof. Boris P. Momirovski and Aleksandar Pejchinovski

– The image for the promotion of St. Kiril Pejcinović as a saint can hardly be captured in words, because it was an impressive gathering. First in Leshok in the atar of the church of St. Athanasius and in the monastery complex, where a large number of bishops, priests and representatives of the MOC were present. What happened there was really an event that will leave deep traces in the history of our nation. I cannot estimate with certainty how many people attended the gathering and the manifestation, but my free estimate is that there were more than 3.000 people - says Prof. Momirovski.

Pejcinović is the father of the modern Macedonian language

Professor Boris P. Momirovski-Lešanin, who publishes interpretations in which he emphasizes the historical importance of the Macedonian educator, national creator and teacher and restorer of the Lešok Monastery Pejčinović, claims with certainty that he is the father of the modern Macedonian language.

- I can confidently claim that his language is the beginning of what follows as the modern Macedonian language. This is exactly why I have written many books on this topic. Now that our identity is very often threatened by the contestation of language, Kiril Pejčinović is the man who speaks precisely for that identity. He talks about it in his works "Mirror", "Consolation to sinners" and "Epitaph" on the tombstone, which are written in the Macedonian vernacular and the style of the language is vernacular-Tetovian. It is through these written works that the identity of the Macedonian people is perceived, where these languages ​​even today geographically belong to Macedonia - assesses Professor Momirovski.

The works of Abbot Lesochki should be digitized, so the language and history will be protected

Aleksandar Pejcinovski, descendant of the Macedonian revivalist Kiril Pejcinović\ PHOTO Free Press

At the same time visiting the studio together with Prof. Momirovski, Aleksandar Pejcinovski, who is a direct descendant of the Macedonian revivalist Kiril Pejcinović, emphasized that for someone who devoted his whole life to the Macedonian speech and language and the written word, the state should do more to preserve the works of Abbot Lesochki. Thus, according to Pejcinovski, with the digitization of these works, history will be protected and all attacks and appropriations of Pejcinović that he is Bulgarian will be repelled, which we have in abundance these days.

- Bearing in mind the fact that the world is moving towards digitalization, and Pejčinović's works are currently only available in written form, I think that they should be put in digital form and later published on the Internet. This is because they will both be easily accessible to those who want to know more about it and at the same time it will bring our culture and literature closer to all the nations of the world who will currently search the internet and want to find something more. for us - says Pejcinovski.

According to him, the digitization of Pejčinović's written works will enable easy accessibility for the world public.

– Starting from yourself when you go somewhere on a trip to a certain country or location to visit, you turn on the Internet and do not look for written works. Rather, you take what is posted there for granted. Although in the background somewhere there is the accuracy of the information in some archives and it has not been published, I as a tourist or student from abroad do not have the opportunity to find out the truth about the publication of those written forms. Such is the case on the Internet and with Pejcinović. The content of his works is constantly changing and hence the assumptions that someone does it on purpose to promote his own campaign and politics, which is completely opposite to what he actually was - Pejcinovski points out.

Commenting on the act of proclaiming Kiril Pejcinović as a holy person, but also what it means for Macedonia and the MOC, Pejcinovski's nephew Pejcinovski says that the Macedonian church and the state did a great job at the right moment for the people, history and identity.

See more of the conversation in the video below.

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