VIDEO: A big fire in Vizbegovo, four trucks were affected, the flames are approaching a gas station

Photo: Twitter

Tonight, a big fire broke out in the industrial zone of Vizbegovo near the "Hib Petrol" gas station.

According to some media reports, four trucks were involved in the fire, and it is not yet known if there were any injuries

Teams of the Fire Brigade intervene on the ground, trying to localize the fire and prevent its spread.

The Crisis Management Center sent a statement:

Tonight, at 112:21.14 p.m., a report of a fire was received at the company "ATLANTIC" in the Vizbegovo neighborhood via the single emergency number XNUMX in the CMC. According to the initial information, it is a fire on two trucks (tow trucks), but according to the caller's report, there is a danger that other trucks may be involved. On the opposite side of the road is the HIB Petrol gas station. The BPPZ of the City of Skopje and the CEC of the Ministry of the Interior were immediately notified of the situation.

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