VIDEO | Diplomatic charity bazaar: Embassies bring together culture, tradition and solidarity

Diplomatic charity bazaar/photo: Dragan Mitreski/Sloboden Pechat

China, Japan, Kazakhstan, Slovenia, Slovakia, Austria, Spain, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Kosovo, Italy, Lithuania, Switzerland through their embassies this year were part of the Diplomatic Charity Bazaar in the organization of "Welcome Macedonia - Welcome center".

The event is being held on the occasion of World Children's Day under the honorary chairmanship of Mr. Gregor Presker, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia.

- I am very pleased that we gathered here at this humanitarian event. Today we celebrate Children's Day and what would be the best way if not through solidarity and mutual friendship to show humanity - said Presker.

Gregor Presker, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia/ photo: Dragan Mitreski/ Sloboden pechat


,"Free Press" was visiting this traditional event that they are attendingwhich country presented itself with its own stand where visitors had the opportunity to taste the traditional cuisine and buy a souvenir. 

The funds collected this year are intended to support vulnerable children and communities for the schools "St. Kliment Ohridski" (Macedonski Brod) and "Bratstvo-Migjeni" (Tetovo).

Rafael Soriano Ortiz, Spanish ambassador/ photo: Free Press


- Now that Christmas is approaching, it is important to show that the diplomatic corps is also involved in social initiatives in your country, so I am very happy that our embassy is participating in this important charity bazaar - he told ,,Free Press" the Spanish ambassador, Rafael Soriano Orriz.









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