Photo: Sandzak Press / screenshot

VIDEO: A girl from Serbia walks for kilometers through the desert every day: I help my parents, I don't give up on my dreams

Desanka Lukovic, from a village on the Golija mountain in southwestern Serbia, has to walk several kilometers every day in an almost deserted area to reach any destination. Life has not been kind to her. Her day begins at 4 a.m.

Desanka says that her life is very different from that of her peers, but despite that, she wouldn't trade places with them.

"I travel 25 kilometers to school, and when it snows it is quite difficult, but I struggle to achieve good results. It is not very scary here, I have seen wolves and bears, which is not as scary as people think. In every sense, life is not easy and everything requires will and struggle," the girl tells "Sandzak TV".

Desanka tries to help her parents, but also to make life easier for her younger brother.

"Some people like to live in the city, some don't, but I love the countryside and where I live. Life is much easier in the summer, because the days are longer," says Desanka, who sees herself in the same place in ten years.

"I plan to stay here on Golia and I'm not afraid of what the weather will bring. God will help everyone, including me. My wish was to have many horses and sheep, and to make farming my profession. So far, we have nine horses and three donkeys. I manage to do everything and it's not difficult for me," she says.

Her friends from school also visited her. Her desire was to show them the beauty of untouched nature.

"My friends came to visit me once and they liked this place. When they came, it was winter and there was a lot of snow, but that didn't stop them from staying with me. "They say they would stay here for a few days, but now whether they would stay, I don't know, because life is hard, and only those who love animals, agriculture and their country can succeed," says Desanka, adding that it is hardest for her in the winter, when she struggles with the snow and blizzards, but that she does not give up on her dreams - to have her own household, much richer than today.

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