Photo: Printscreen / YouTube

VIDEO | Ben Affleck photographed in front of his Los Angeles mansion after the evacuation, his expression says it all

Due to the fires that continue to rage in Los Angeles, numerous residents had to leave their homes, including Hollywood stars, many of whom lost their homes.

And the actor Ben Affleck  had to ce evacuate and leave his villa harmful $ 20 million, which remained untouched by the fire, and the paparazzi photographed him this weekend in front of his home with his eldest daughter Violet (19).

The 52-year-old actor, overcome with emotion, was filmed with a worried expression on his face, and at one point hugged his daughter, who was wearing a protective mask, after which they left Brentwood together where ce finds his palace.

As a reminder, the number of people killed in the fires raging in Los Angeles ce it went up to 24, and 100.000 people right now ce evacuated from their homes.

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