Photo: Mandel NGAN / AFP / Profimedia

PHOTOS + VIDEO | Balkans delighted: Melania spoke in Serbian and hugged the victims of the Los Angeles fire 

The new President of the United States of America, Donald Trump and his wife Melania visited Los Angeles to assess the situation in the areas affected by the fires. During on the tour, Melania had a unique opportunity to speak to a woman in Serbian, which caused delight among social media users and people in the region.

Photo: Mandel NGAN / AFP / Profimedia

Namely, a video appeared on social networks showing how Melania talks to a woman, after which she hugs and kisses her. The conversation was started by the woman who addressed Melania with "good afternoon", to which the First Lady of the United States responded with "good afternoon, how are you?".


Otherwise, Trump was welcomed in Los Angeles yesterday by California Governor Gavin Newsom, and after a brief conversation, they addressed the media together. Trump expressed his intention to visit the areas affected by the fires, adding that "the problem will be solved," CBS News reports. The governor thanked Trump for his visit and stressed the need for support at the federal level.

The devastating fires in the Palisades and Eaton neighborhoods killed 28 people and destroyed thousands of structures, including entire neighborhoods.

After completing his visit to Los Angeles, Trump headed to Las Vegas, while Melania continued her trip to Florida.

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