Video: Biden fell asleep at the summit in Angola

photo: Printscreen/The Telegraph

US President Joseph Biden (82) fell asleep during the interim summit in Angola, the Daily Mail reported.


During a visit to that country, Biden announced the construction of a $2,5 billion rail corridor that will connect Africa.

However, during the discussion with African officials and American businessmen investing in the railway, Biden twice closed his eyes for at least 80 seconds, writes the Daily Mail.

At one point he relaxed, writes the British newspaper.

America and its allies have invested significant resources in rebuilding the railway line connecting Zambia, Congo and Angola.

Biden stated that "Africa has been neglected for too long, but it will no longer be the case, because Africa is the future."

Biden announced that by the end of the decade, a railroad could connect the west and east coasts of southern Africa, speeding up transportation that used to take 45 days to less than 45 hours.

He also said he wants to use the project to counter China's growing influence in Africa, given that China already has large investments in mining and mineral processing.

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