VIDEO | Andonović: Trump ordered the release of documents on the assassinations of Kennedy and Martin Luther King

US President Donald Trump has ordered officials to make plans to declassify documents relating to the three most important assassinations in US history - the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert Kennedy and civil rights activist Martin Luther King.

"A lot of people have been waiting for this for a long time, for years, for decades," Trump told reporters Thursday in the Oval Office at the White House.

"And now everything will be revealed."

The order directs the administration's top officials to submit a plan to declassify the documents within 15 days.

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963.

His brother Robert Kennedy was assassinated while running for president in California in 1968, just two months after Martin Luther King, the most famous American civil rights leader, was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.

In the years since, many documents from the investigation have been released, although many have been redacted, particularly regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

According to the official version, John F. was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, a former Marine who defected to the then Soviet Union and later returned to the United States and carried out the assassination.

The investigation conducted by a government commission at the time determined that Oswald acted alone.

However, unanswered questions have long haunted the case and have led to alternative theories of involvement by government agents, the mafia and others, while at the same time some unusual conspiracy theories have emerged.

Public opinion polls over the decades have shown that most Americans do not believe Oswald was the only killer.

In 1992, the U.S. Congress passed a law requiring the release of all documents related to the investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy within 25 years.

Both Trump in his first term, as well as former President Joseph Biden, released a trove of documents related to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, but thousands – out of a total of several million – remain partially or completely secret.

During his first term from 2016 to 2020, Trump promised to declassify all files, but backed down after officials from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) convinced him that some documents should remain secret.

Trump's new executive order stated that continued secrecy "is not in the public interest."

"It's great that the president put his promise on paper. That's important," said Jefferson Morley, a former Washington Post reporter, expert on the JFK assassination case, and editor of the online newsletter "Facts About JFK."

"However, this process is just the beginning. How exactly it will be implemented is not at all clear," he said.

Recent document releases have revealed new details about the circumstances surrounding the assassination, including that CIA agents had been intensively monitoring Oswald.

Paul Landis, an 88-year-old former Secret Service agent who witnessed the assassination at close range, said in 2023 that he found and removed a bullet from the car after Kennedy was shot.

Experts say that detail complicates the official story that a single bullet struck both the president and Texas Governor John Conley, who was riding in the motorcade and survived the shooting.

Morley says the new information casts doubt on the theory that Oswald acted alone.

He predicts that the full release of all redacted documents could significantly contribute to understanding the murder.

But, he noted, the CIA and other security officials will try to maintain a certain level of secrecy.

During the order-signing ceremony at the White House on Thursday, Trump requested that the pen he used to sign the document be given to Robert Kennedy Jr., the son of Robert Kennedy and grandson of John F.

Trump has appointed Robert Kennedy Jr., who supported him in the presidential campaign, as secretary of Health and Human Services.

Robert Kennedy Jr. has for many years cast doubt on the official story of his uncle's assassination, as well as the assassination of his father, Robert Kennedy.

He claims that the CIA is behind the murder of both his uncle and his father.

Robert Kennedy was assassinated in a Los Angeles gym by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian angry about American support for Israel.

Robert Kennedy Jr. spoke with Sirhan in prison and stated that he did not believe he killed his father, although other members of the Kennedy family deny the claim.

African-American civil rights activist Martin Luther King was assassinated by white nationalist James Earl Ray.

Members of the King family claim that Ray did not act alone and was part of a larger conspiratorial group.

Many believe that by opening the Martin Luther King file, the goal is to bring the African-American electorate, who are traditional supporters of Democrats in the United States, closer to the Republican Party.

The full analysis of this and other current topics from the region and the world is in the video above in the text.














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