VIDEO | Andonovic: North Korea is coming out of complete isolation - the defense agreement with Russia came into force

The agreement on comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and North Korea, signed in June by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin, has entered into force, the media of both countries announced today.

This partnership obliges both countries to provide military assistance "without delay" in the event of an attack on the other country and to act jointly in the event of the introduction of Western sanctions.

The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation was signed in Pyongyang on June 19, 2024, with the aim of deepening partnership and strategic interaction in a wide range of fields, and was ratified by Russia and North Korea in November this year.

The formalization of the deal comes after the US and South Korea accused the nuclear-armed North of sending more than 10.000 troops to help Russia fight Ukraine.

Experts say that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un wants to get advanced technology and combat experience for his forces from Moscow in return.

Kim and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a strategic partnership agreement during the Kremlin chief's visit to Pyongyang.

This agreement practically means that North Korea is slowly coming out of complete isolation, that is, entering into a partnership with countries that are also isolated from the West.

With this agreement, Pyongyang practically legitimizes the sending of its soldiers to fight in Ukraine by Russia. In addition to its army gaining military experience on the battlefields where the Russians are fighting, North Korea hopes to receive sophisticated Russian weapons and the latest missile technology.

If until now the outdated military technology made the enemies of North Korea calm, now the most affected South Korea becomes a potential victim in a possible conflict on the Korean Peninsula.
It remains to be seen who will be responsible to the West, above all the US, for this agreement.

On the divided Korean Peninsula, the United States has deployed 70 soldiers who are supposed to be a guarantor of South Korea's security.

It remains to be seen whether, within the framework of this agreement, Russia plans to make its own military base on the Korean Peninsula?

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