consumer basket
Trade union basket / Photo: Free Press - Dragan Mitreski

VIDEO | Analysis: We are left without the New Year's shopping basket

The "New Year's Consumer Basket" campaign has ended, and the question remains whether food products that were now on discount will become more expensive in the coming period.

– It is difficult to answer that question, especially since the consumer basket was composed on a voluntary basis by traders, although the Government advertised it. Inflation in December was 4,4 percent higher than the same period last year, and even higher when considering the prices of food products. That is why it did not seem cheaper, but it would have been even worse if it were not for the discounts. However, some products such as coffee, cocoa and cooking oil have become much more expensive, and no one has control over this because their price is regulated by the stock exchange. This has caused an increase in the price of essential products that are consumed in large quantities during the holidays – says Sloboden Pechat journalist Srđan Ivanović.

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