Kostadin Kostadinov, leader of Rebirth/Photo: Screenshot

VIDEO | Analysis: Kostadinov was scolded in Brussels, but kept quiet in Sofia

The European Commission condemned Kostadinov's statement to TV 24. They said that the sovereignty of states must be respected and that all statements that undermine the fundamental values ​​on which the European Union is built are unacceptable to the EU. 

– The EC said that although they do not comment on statements, they insist that the sovereignty of states must be respected. Any statement against or actions that undermine these principles are unacceptable. They contradict the fundamental values ​​of peace, stability, cooperation and good neighborly relations, on which the European Union is built.

Kostadinov is a member of the Bulgarian parliament and leader of the "Renaissance" party, which is currently the third political force in Bulgaria and this is not a minor political group at all. Last week, he called on the government in official Sofia to announce claims for the annexation of Bulgaria with Macedonia and Southern Bessarabia, that is, that part of the Odessa region, in which ethnic Bulgarians actually live. What is currently missing is a reaction from official Sofia, from where no one has said anything about Kostadinov's statement - says the journalist of Sloboden Pechat, Srdjan Ivanovic.

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