Joke of the day: Overnight

Joke of the day / Photo: Free Press Archive

A network administrator returns home after two days and his wife is waiting for him at the door:
- Now explain to me where he was and what he was doing!
The whole distracted man says:
- Look dear, a working meeting was to be held yesterday and we waited until a delegation from abroad arrived. After the meeting ended, it started to rain heavily late in the evening. A colleague who works as a secretary was about to go home, and I drove her away. In front of her building, as soon as I got home, my front right tire burst. I took it to fix it but it was raining a lot and the secretary invited me to come to her to drink tea with rum until it rained. As soon as it overturned I told myself to go home but I saw the police downstairs and what to do в I drank alcohol and they will punish me immediately, I said to myself. My colleague offered me to spend the night with her, so I'm coming back today.
The woman responds to all this:
- Well, you will lie to me. You spent the whole night in the office of an internet idiot!

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