Photo: Ivelin Ivanov / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia

A Hungarian man clung between the carriages of a train traveling at 282 kilometers per hour and survived.

A Hungarian man who clung to the outside of a high-speed train in Germany, traveling at speeds of up to 280 kilometers per hour, was unharmed and has been charged with failing to buy a ticket and obstructing traffic.

Police said the 40-year-old Hungarian man boarded a train to Lübeck in Munich on Thursday without a ticket, then got off the train to smoke a cigarette at the station in Ingolstadt, about 70 kilometers north of Munich.

It is said that when the Hungarian noticed that the train had left the station, he jumped onto the coupler between two carriages and held on to the cables as the train accelerated to 280 kilometers per hour.

People on the platform called the police, and the driver stopped the train in the town of Kinding, which is located about thirty kilometers north of Ingolstadt.

The man told police that he jumped onto a moving train because his luggage had been left on the train.

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