The Ukrainian Register of Missing Persons is looking for 46.285 people whose fate is currently unknown

According to Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs, 55.829 people have been reported missing since the full-scale invasion began.

Currently, 46.285 are still being sought, information has been established for about 7.000, and 1.767 cases involve missing children.

This information was published by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Social Policy offers 12 priority social services and support programs for families awaiting the release of a loved one from captivity or whose relatives are missing.

"To really help Ukrainian families in such circumstances, the Ministry of Social Policy is developing support programs, which may include psychological services in social service centers, resilience centers or sanatorium treatment. We encourage families to take advantage of these programs," said Ulyana Tokareva, Deputy Minister of Social Policy.

These social services and benefits are available at any stage and can be accessed by family members while they wait, or by the individual after release during rehabilitation and in their place of residence.

In mid-July, Dmytro Bohatyuk, head of the Interior Ministry's Office for Missing Persons in Special Circumstances, announced that 42.000 people remained on the wanted list.


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