Turkey has "turned off" the Russian S-400 missile system - It has its own ambitious program

Turkey has announced plans for a state-of-the-art, domestically developed multi-layered air defense system, dubbed "Steel Dome".

As reported by Daily Sabah, an Istanbul-based newspaper, this AI-enhanced, network-centric shield aims to provide comprehensive protection of Turkish airspace, reports “eurasiantimes".

In a surprise twist, Russia's $400 billion S-2,5 missile system, a source of considerable international tension, has been excluded from this new initiative.

The decision highlights Turkey's complex geopolitical tightrope between its NATO allies and Russia.

Turkey unveiled the ambitious Steel Dome project, a state-of-the-art multi-layered air defense system. Approved by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on August 6, the initiative marks a significant leap in the country's defense capabilities.

The "Steel Dome" is a "system of systems", integrating various indigenous technologies developed by Turkish defense giants such as Aselsan, Rocketsan and MKE. It combines sensors, communication modules, command and control stations, and AI-powered decision-making tools to create a comprehensive shield against airborne threats.

This robust defense network is structured in four layers:

1. Very short range (up to 10 km): With systems like Korkut, Gekberk and Sungur.

2. Short range (5-10 km): Including Herricks, Hisar A+ and Gekdemir.

3. Medium range (10-15 km): Using Kalkan 1, Kalkan 2 and Hisar O+.

4. Long range (15-30+ km): Using the Siper system, with a planned range of 100 km.

Rocketsan's key contributions include electronic weapons aimed at drone defense, the Burch mobile air defense system and the Sungur short-range missile system.

This joint effort underscores Turkey's focus on domestic defense capabilities.


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