Trenchevska: VMRO-DPMNE in the budget cuts funds for the most vulnerable citizens by 25 percent
The proposed budget for 2025 showed that we have a government that is vain, manipulative, has no democratic sense, that shows unprecedented arrogance, and a government that thinks it is the best and with fake PR in the past 6 months wants to assure the citizens that it is the best, government which always defocusses, when an affair related to her comes out in public, which after 6 months cannot understand that it is no longer the opposition and behaves as if it is not in power, the MP pointed out of SDSM Jovana Trenchevska, in her address at the plenary session.
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Trenchevska stressed that for the largest budget ever of 6,5 billion euros, for the first time in history, the government did not accept a single amendment from the opposition, which were proposed and whose acceptance would ensure the improvement of the situation in certain areas, the improvement of the lives of citizens , especially the most socially vulnerable citizens.
"In the budget proposal for 2025, the first of this government, we should have seen the policies and measures promised in platform 1198, which should bring a better life for the citizens and economic development for the state, but in the budget than what was promised in the platform will have nothing, neither a better standard of living for the citizens, nor economic development of the state, said Trenchevska, adding that instead, the parliamentarians have a budget, which is unrealistic, not at all developed, but a costly, non-household, pre-election and most importantly non-visionary, non-inventory and budget of new debts and a new lost year for the citizens and the economy, a budget that predicts an unrealistic GDP growth of 3,7% against the forecasts of the World Bank of 2,5% and in NB from 3,3%".
Trenchevska stressed that with the projected deficit of 4%, the government is saying that the laws apply to everyone, but not to her, because this deficit is contrary to the laws and the Maastricht criterion of a maximum of 3% GDP and shows that there is no compass in fiscal policy, no is doing fiscal consolidation, like other countries from the Western Balkans.
"We have a budget that meets the needs of 24 ministers and their offices, but not the citizens, the citizens are not prioritized, especially the vulnerable category, Trenčevska pointed out, saying that the budget of the Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and young people, short of the most vulnerable, short of social services, short of transfer to the national federations of disabled organizations, stands for persons with disabilities, and services to them.
In order for the citizens to find out what kind of budget we have and how much it meets their needs, I will be specific through numbers from the budget proposal. The transfer to disabled organizations, the Red Cross Union, civil society organizations that work to fight against domestic violence and violence against women, our socially empathetic government reduced the funds by as much as 25%. From 80 million to 60 million, said Trenchevska, adding that funds are also being reduced for the associations of the blind, deaf and hard of hearing, with physical disabilities, for labor disabled people, people with intellectual disabilities.
She added that the Government has shown itself the right person to care for the most vulnerable, for people with disabilities and by reducing the budget for protective societies by three times compared to 2024.
"Social state and improvement of the quality of life is not achieved by cutting funds for the most vulnerable. Take a look at your colleagues from VMRO platform 1198, the section on social care for the most vulnerable, and be ashamed. Many promises, and no realisation, even the cancellation of opportunities that already exist for the most vulnerable categories of citizens. It is the same with social benefits and rights from social protection, emphasized Trenchevska, adding that in the platform 1198 they are entitled to a 10% increase on an annual level, the introduction of new rights and an increase of some of the existing rights by 20-30%, with which VMRO- "DPMNE lied to the citizens again," she said.
Trenchevska pointed out that only 9 million denars are planned for capital investments in social protection, for the construction of day care centers for children and people with disabilities, homes for the elderly, with which it will not even be possible to service the obligations for the started homes in Kavadarci, Macedonia ship, Cheshinovo Obleshevo, Berovo, Probishtip, SDSM projects in the final phase, to be put into service in 2025.
"There is no money in the budget for raising the minimum wage, there is no money for implementing the obligations from the general collective agreement for the public sector, there is no hearing about the unions, there is no intention to implement the new methodology for calculating wages in the public sector. Much can be said about your carelessness, but I will just say that the government has disappointed the most vulnerable, it has disappointed the workers, it has disappointed the citizens in the local self-government units where social services have been established, it has disappointed the people with disabilities. With the budget proposal for 2025, he disappointed them with his lack of ideas, bad and random planning. That is why we will not vote for such a budget, because it will not bring economic growth, nor a better standard of living for the citizens, this budget is just a pre-election manipulation of the citizens. The budget planned by the government is from citizens' taxes for the pockets of DPMNE", said SDSM deputy Jovana Trenchevska in her address at the plenary session.