Toshkovski says that no casings from automatic weapons were found in Skopje after the celebration on November 28

Panče Toškovski - Minister of Internal Affairs / Photo: Sloboden pechat / Dragan Mitreski

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Panče Toškovski, said today that "attempts to inflame international unrest" are underway, which, according to him, are unsuccessful.

"Unfortunately, what the prime minister, the president and I said, it turned out that those attempts to inflame international unrest, we are seeing on the surface again. Fortunately for us and unfortunately for those who try to hide behind issues that should remain in the past, we see that their attempts have failed. "The Ministry of the Interior responds appropriately to all challenges," said Toshkovski.

Regarding the 17 arrested related to the incidents, Toškovski informed that three are in custody, while a large part of them are minors and there is another procedure for them within the process that is being carried out. Regarding the alleged bursts of shots from automatic weapons during the celebration of the Albanian flag day on the streets of Skopje, the minister disclosed that casings and other evidence related to automatic weapons were not found on the ground, and that according to "those who are experts in the field", the sound what can be heard on the recordings from the celebration in Skopje were not from an automatic rifle.

- It also sounded to me that it was shot based on the footage I saw. I did not see, nor did the investigators see on that video that there was a weapon. Those who are experts in the field say that that sound is not the sound of an automatic weapon. According to the evidence, we do not have relevant evidence and facts that automatic weapons were fired at any location in Skopje that evening, Toškovski said in an appearance on Radio "Leader".

According to him, regarding a possible leadership meeting as requested by the opposition SDSM on the occasion of the unfortunate events, Toškovski explains that the problem is not in the meeting, but, as he says, in the intentions.

- They don't have pure intentions. They are raising a ball and their goal is obviously to factor in some publicity in the public, said the first policeman in the country.

Toshkovski was also asked about the case of the uniformed children with UCHK emblems at the event at the primary school in Chelopek.

- Whether it is a crime, that should be determined in a specific procedure, and whether it arouses unpleasant feelings in the Macedonian - absolutely yes. I agree with what the Minister of Education said. Such type of performances are indecent and inappropriate and should not be an example for children in Macedonia. I believe that in such a way, we can only deepen and intensify this which, let's say, is a fertile ground for 15-year-olds to burn Macedonian flags, assesses the minister.

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