Toshkovski and Janev met with police attachés from foreign diplomatic missions

The government, the Minister of Internal Affairs Pance Toshkovski and the director of the PSB at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Aleksandar Janev, organized a suitable cocktail for the police attachés in the composition of the foreign diplomatic-consular missions represented in our country.

"In his appropriate address, Minister Toškovski, thanking the cooperation so far, especially regarding the series of joint projects in various areas, the valuable donations in funds intended for the Macedonian police, as well as the many international trainings, expressed confidence that such partnership will continue and in the future primarily in the name of common values ​​and goals. At the same time, congratulating the upcoming Christmas and New Year's holidays to the police attachés, he emphasized that - "in the New Year, we continue with intensive police cooperation in all areas because we are part of one family and we face similar challenges and problems, and they are in the direction of solving and ensuring the global security," said a statement from Toškovski's office.

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