Euro illustration / Photo: Pexels

Tetov resident "relieved" by 2.500 euros - he was told he had 17.000 dollars in his account, but to withdraw it he needed to deposit money

Yesterday at 17:00 PM at the Grupchin Police Department, a 58-year-old resident of a village near Tetovo reported that he had been defrauded by V.P. for the sum of 153.577 denars.

According to the report, on January 18.01.2025, 17.000, the person called him and informed him that there was an inflow of $XNUMX into his account and if he wanted to withdraw it, he would need to deposit money.

As reported, on 20.01.2025, he deposited the money into his account, after which the person called him again and asked for his username and password from the mobile application. Also, according to the report, after he was unable to access the application after that, he was notified by the bank that there was no inflow and that the money had been withdrawn.

The Tetovo Investigative Directorate is taking measures to clarify the case.

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