Test: Find out how skilled you are in sex, what are you like in bed?

Kiss, sex
Photo: Profimedia

Experts claim that if you discover your own love style, it will help you more easily recognize your ideal partner, with whom you will have a long and harmonious relationship.

Calculation of points

To find out what type of lover you are most like, choose the answers that best describe you, then see which color you circled the most. If you read all the profiles, you can find out what kind of lover your current partner is too.

1. It bothers you more:

Red: some physical features, such as large ears or an aquiline nose

Purple: when one expects a permanent commitment

2. After breaking up most often:

Yellow: you remain in friendly relations

Dark red: You are angry and upset

3. If you are dissatisfied with the relationship, most often:

Zelena: You stop her because she has no perspective

Pink: you stay in it because your partner needs you

4. You're at a party and you're in awe of someone you're seeing for the first time. You will think:

Red: I'm in love

Yellow: I want to understand something more about her/him

5. After the first meeting you:

Dark Red: You analyze the whole evening, wondering what that person really thinks about you

Green: You are evaluating how compatible you are and whether it is worth seeing him/her again

6. People who know you would describe you as:

Purple: A free-spirited person

Pink: a generous person

7. When you're single, your Facebook status reads:

Yellow: You don't choose any status, because when you don't have a partner you are 100% devoted to your friends

Green: You choose the "single" status to let potential partners know who your friends are.

8. Your partner is out, it's late, he doesn't answer your phone call. You will think:

Dark red: He must be doing something he shouldn't

Rozova: I hope he's having fun

9. You are more inclined to:

Green: one suitable partner

Violet: lots of fun encounters

10. While you are in love you feel:

Red: rapturous – love is true bliss

Dark Red: Distressed – Will this beauty last?

11. The secret of a long and successful relationship is:

Yellow: joint labor around the relationship and joint fun

Pink: the partner always comes first

12. A friend tells you that they know someone who would be perfect for you. Your reaction is:

Red: what it looks like

Zelena: what's up

13. While in a relationship you think:

Violet: It's normal for everyone to have their own secrets, right?!

Yellow: I have nothing to hide

14. Love is:

Red: burning passion

Pink: unconditional

15. You are more suited to a partner who:

Purple: Ignite your imagination

Dark Red: Calms you and your doubts


Red: Passionate lover

For you, love is exciting, honest, wild, deep and complete, and nothing else would be enough. You usually have your own type of personality and when you find it, you give yourself completely, both mentally and physically. A partner with the same passion as yours suits you best, and a calm and steady lover the least.

Violet: Lover of fun

Incredibly charming, witty and always ready for a joke, you understand and experience love as a game without obligations. You enjoy the pleasures of love, but disappear when they are gone. Partners who want a solid and permanent relationship are not suitable for you. The best combination for you is a casual lover, ready to party.

Yellow: Calm and composed lover

Love for you is like a journey, gentle and pleasant, without rush, dramatization and outbursts. Your love is calm, and the relationship is pleasant and stable. Passionate and extreme lovers are not suitable partners for you, but you can have a soothing effect on them.

Dark red: Extreme lover

Your love relationship is everything in your life, but also the cause of mental suffering. You are constantly afraid that something will go wrong, instead of enjoying the relationship. You need attention and affection from your partner. Passionate and unconditional lovers are suitable for you, but lovers for fun are not suitable for you.

Zelena: Lover "rater"

Compatibility is most important to you. The partner must have the same educational level, same religion, good profession, income, similar interests and wit. A lover evaluator suits you best.

Pink: Unconditional lover

Unconditional love for you is a pleasant duty, which you perform with pleasure. You are so happy when you are in love, so most of the time you give a lot more and ask very little. A "judgmental" lover can take advantage of your tendency not to ask for much. An unconditional lover or a calm, steady lover suit you.

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