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Personality Test: The first thing you notice reveals what people think of you

Most of the time in life, first impressions are very important. Although it is not crucial to liking others, it is not a bad idea to check what kind of first impression we leave.

Look at the illustration below, the first thing you see will tell you what people think when they meet you.

A horse

If the horse is the first thing you notice in this illustration, it means that people who meet you notice your intense eye contact first. You may be uncomfortable at first, but after a short conversation, your intense gaze will show them that you are capable of establishing and maintaining communication and relationships.


There is also a musician in the illustration, and if you noticed him first, it would mean that people notice your sense of humor first. Just say "hello" and people will feel that you are always ready for a joke and a laugh.

In this case, you attract everyone you meet, but this does not mean that these people should be part of your close circle of friends.

A man's head

The male head represents that people are the first to notice your ability to put others at ease. You are kind and have a warm approach. They see you as someone who has the ability to talk to different people and be empathetic.

A tree

If you saw the tree first, then people notice your strength in you. Your presence makes these people safer because you create a sense of calm and fairness. People generally consider you a protector in society.

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