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Personality Test: Do You Lead With Your Mind or Your Heart?

Although most people think of illusions as child's play, in reality – optical illusions and personality tests can be comprehensive and detailed, it says "sensa".

Some optical illusions can penetrate deeper into our psyche and help us reveal our hidden personality traits.

Use this optical illusion to learn more about yourself. This illusion is there to allow you to dive deeper into your personality. It will reveal whether you are guided by reason and logic or by heart and imagination.

Even if both of your faces look sad, choose one that looks a little happier than the other.

Figure 1: If you think that the left face looks happier, then you are someone who is more logical than the rest. You are the type of person who puts reason before heart. You have a very systematic and practical approach to life; your brain is always above your heart.

Figure 2: If you got the impression that the right side is happier, then you are a more relaxed type of person. You are intuitive, perceptive and reflective. You probably have a great imagination and you are a person who likes to express himself in different creative ways.

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