Will the tender for Klinicki's compressor station be a "copy-paste"?

Arben Taravari in surgery / Photo: Sloboden Pechat / Dragan Mitreski

Will the Ministry of Health just "copy" the tender for the new compressor station, to which no company applied when it was conducted by the joint services of the Clinical Center?

If the intention is not just to copy the tender that was once unsuccessful, then why did the Minister of Health Arben Taravari ask the joint services to submit the technical specification for the replacement of the equipment of the central compressor station, as well as the joint services to appoint people from their ranks who will define the technical specifications and not only that - but also answer the expert questions raised during the technical dialogue and perform an expert evaluation of the submitted offers?! Will more money be spent in the second tender than in the first?

The letter that the minister Taravari he sent it to joint services the day before yesterday, testifies that the Ministry of Health relies to a large extent on the service for joint affairs in the implementation of the new tender.

"Also, we will inform you in a timely manner about the course of the procedure, in order for you to take the necessary actions regarding the construction works that precede the procurement for the replacement of the central compressor station and the replacement of the installation", Taravari wrote in the letter to the joint services which provided by the "Free Press".

If no company responds to the tender that will be conducted by the Ministry of Health, then the purchase of the entire compressor station with accompanying elements will be carried out privately, with a direct contract.


The tender for the purchase of a compressor station in terms of the subject of procurement cannot be fundamentally different because it is the same subject of procurement, the Ministry of Health said to the questions of "Sloboden Pechat" in which the tender that they will implement, compared to that of joint services which failed because no company responded to the call. From there they say that their tender will have an estimated value of 300 thousand euros, like the previous one.

- The funds for the realization of the object of procurement in this case will be provided by the Ministry of Health, taking into account the financial situation of the University in the field of health for the needs of public health institutions, university clinics, institute and emergency center - Skopje and PHI University clinics, which were supposed to finance the item of purchase. Regarding the estimated value, we inform you that it will be the same from the previously announced procedure.

Responsible for maintaining the technical gas station is the Department of Health from the field of health for the needs of public health institutions, university clinics, institute and emergency center - Skopje and PHU University Clinics, and for those reasons, as well as in the previous practice when conducting public procurement for the needs of the PHI and the Public Institution, the Ministry of Health asked this public institution to nominate a person or persons, who will be actively involved in the procedure itself, from the very beginning until the full realization of the procurement object, the Ministry says.

The Ministry is silent about the measurements that were carried out at KARIL and found formaldehyde in the halls. Neither what the concentration is, nor the recommendations of the accredited company, nor the source of the formaldehyde is known.

The waiting list for operations is increasing, and the halls of KARIL operate with external compressors. Critical patients are also waiting, with lung cancer, colon cancer... Each specialist has his own list of waiting patients, and due to the use of the right to annual leave, surgical clinics are not at their maximum level. Part of the halls are still connected to the old compressor station, which will be changed to a new tender after it was announced that it was spreading rea.

While waiting for the new tender for the purchase, installation and commissioning of a compressed air station with three compressors and all the associated equipment (tanks, separator for removing moisture and oil), it became clear that the current compressed air, which is actually a medicine - not corresponded to European standards. This was discovered by the Dreger company. and "Free Press" provided the proof for those measurements showing increased oil vapor and compressed air moisture that make it incompatible with the European standard. Therefore, in the failed tender, it was also required to have "a dryer for compressed air according to the European pharmacopoeia, which will ensure the purity of the air from gases, oils and water contained in the compressed air".

No company applied for the failed tender for replacing the compressor station, but three came to inspect the site. Joint services in the tender, to which no one applied, demanded that the pipes be made of copper, that they be specially examined for impermeability and quality. It is about pipes intended for medical gases - oxygen, compressed air, nitrogen oxide and vacuum that should serve the 12 operating rooms in the operation block, of which four for orthopedics, two for neurosurgery and two for plastic surgery.

The Ministry of Health will conduct the same tender for a compressor station as the one that failed

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