ICC Headquarters/EPA-EFE

Taliban official: International Criminal Court should prosecute Israel and US, not us

Afghan Deputy Interior Minister Mohammad Nabi Omari said today that the International Criminal Court (ICC) should prosecute Israel and the United States, not the Taliban.

"If these were fair and real courts, they should have brought America to justice, because America caused the wars," Omari said at an event in the city of Khost.

He suggested that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should also be brought to trial, the Times of Israel reported.

The ICC's chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, said earlier this week that he was seeking arrest warrants for senior Taliban leaders in Afghanistan for crimes against humanity over the persecution of women.

Since returning to power in 2021, the Taliban have banned women from a wide range of jobs and excluded them from education beyond the sixth grade.

The ICC has already issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu and former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant for alleged war crimes in the Gaza Strip, Tanjug reports.

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