
The world would be in an ambush if a less intense storm than the ancient one, which scientists have located in time, hit today

A team of scientists has timed one of the largest solar storms to hit Earth in 664 BC, which could be a timely warning after this year's aurora borealis was spotted significantly further south than usual and the Sun entered its periodic solar maximum. .

Scientists from the University of Arizona described the storm that hit the Earth with solar radiation so intense that today it would disrupt the "electrical grid, satellites and communication networks around the world", writes the dpa agency.

The storm of 664 BC. was significantly more intense than the so-called Carrington event of 1859, when the Earth during solar maximum was hit by coronal ejections, which was observed by the amateur British astronomer after whom the event was named.


The aurora borealis was then visible in the tropics, and because of it, people in the northern hemisphere could read at night, Dpa writes. However, that event "fried" the technology of the time, primarily telegraphs. Today, all flights would have to be grounded because of this, and the world's power grids and related infrastructure would have to be shut down as a precaution.

This would be achieved in the best case scenario, in which humanity successfully predicts when such a solar storm will occur. Caught in an ambush, the world would be in great trouble, even if the storm were far less intense than that of the last era.

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