The people of Svetinikolc were doing puzder in Puzderci - they beat a resident of the village, one of them took out a gun

Three residents of Sveti Nikole were charged with violence after they attacked a resident of the village with a hard object in the village of Puzderci, and one of the thugs pulled out a gun and threatened him, the police said.

"The external office for criminal affairs Probishtip filed a criminal complaint against P.L. (41), M.J. (32) and T.B. (42), all from Sveti Nikole, due to the existence of grounds for suspicion of a committed crime" violence". On October 26.10.2024, XNUMX, in the village of Puzderci, the defendants physically attacked E.E., using hard objects, and then the first defendant pulled out a gun and threatened him," said the Ministry of the Interior.

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