The SOC recognized the autocephaly of the MOC-OA

The leaders of the SOC and MOC-OA, Porphyry and Stefan, Photo: Free Press / Dragan Mitreski

We bring you another joy. The Holy Assembly of the SOC unanimously responded to the request of the MOC-OA, approving and accepting autocephaly.

The Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) has recognized the autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church-Ohrid Archbishopric (MOC-OA). The decision was announced by the head of the SOC, Porphyry.

Patriarch Porphyry, the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, was the first to speak after the joint liturgy between the two churches.

"Let us rejoice today, the whole church rejoices with us today, heaven and earth rejoice, everyone rejoices when the brothers love each other and when they glorify the name of God.

Let us all rejoice who after 55 years served the Holy Liturgy, first in Belgrade, and now in Skopje, in just a few days.

God did not set boundaries to divide people. Borders mean an opportunity for each nation to be better organized and to have its own special stamp. Not to be closed in, not to be self-loving. God created diversity and gave each one the gift of uniqueness.

That is why we should always know that we should all be one, even though we are all different, we are one in one. In Christ we are one.

One is God and one is his church and one is our faith.
That is why today we rejoice indescribably. A miracle is happening before ours. We are part of that miracle.

Your love and prayers in Belgrade and here helped to overcome the temptation and God to work a miracle. That we can not do without each other. We have established unity

We bring you another joy. The Holy Assembly of the SOC unanimously responded to the request of the MOC-OA, approves and accepts autocephaly - concluded the Serbian Patriarch in his speech.

He added that the Holy Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Church has instructed the Synod, in cooperation with Archbishop Stefan and his Synod, to work out technical and organizational details, which will be followed by the official proclamation of an official act.

"Then all the local Orthodox churches will be notified in their canonical order and they will accept the autocephalous status of the MOC-OA," said Patriarch Porphyry.

VIDEO | Joint liturgy of MOC-OA and SOC in the cathedral "St. Kliment Ohridski ”in Skopje

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