Photo: TV21

The Tetovo Fighters' Union warns Kasami: We will not allow streets to bear the names of figures with a fascist past

The municipal organization of the Union of Fighters of the National Liberation and Anti-Fascist War and Citizens Continuing from Tetovo sent an open letter to the Tetovo Mayor requesting that the city streets that bear names from the anti-fascist past of the Macedonian people and nationalities not be renamed. At the same time, the members of the Council are requested and appealed to not name streets and infrastructure facilities with names of persons, events and dates that celebrate a fascist, terrorist, militarist or radical person, or group.

-This letter is a public expression of the sharpest reaction, warning and sharing of deep concern of the state-forming Union of Fighters from the National Liberation and Anti-Fascist War and the citizens continuing from Tetovo, due to the repeated disturbing announcements of the Mayor of the Municipality of Tetovo, Mr. Bilal Kasami, about changing the names of the streets in the city and determining the names of previously unnamed streets on the territory of the municipality, says the letter of the Tetovo Union of Fighters.

The letter reminds Kasami that according to the Constitution, Law and common sense, he should be the mayor of all citizens living in the municipality.

First, your vocabulary should not include Macedonian, Turkish, Roma or Albanian parties, but political parties and actors who are called to cooperate in democratic conditions and an environment of building social cohesion between ethnicities. Second, does the absence of political entities in a certain process give you the right to be the mayor only of the Albanians who live in your municipality? Do you publicly admit that we live in a tribal community and although you take a salary from all citizens, you do not care about all of us. Third, contrary to your legal ignorance, the Law on Determining the Names of Streets, Squares, Bridges and Other Infrastructure Facilities in Part 4, p. 2 explicitly stipulates that the decision to determine the name of a street, square, bridge and other infrastructure facility in the area of ​​the municipality is made by the Council with a majority vote, whereby there must be a majority of votes from the present members of the Council who belong to communities that are not the majority population in the municipality, says the letter from the Tetovo Fighters' Union.

The letter reminds that changing the names of streets, squares, bridges and other infrastructure facilities must not be done six months before regular elections, as well as the section of the Law that states that the list of names must not include a name that damages the reputation of the Republic of Macedonia, offends the feelings of the citizens of the Republic and the citizens of other countries, as well as disrupts relations between communities, customs and public morality.

The open letter has been sent to the Government, ministries, EU and US embassies.

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