A man from Skopje attacked and robbed women and girls in Center and Airport

Basic public prosecutor's office - building / Photo: "Sloboden Pechat" / Dragan Mitreski

The basic public prosecutor's office in Skopje issued an order to conduct an investigative procedure against a 26-year-old man suspected of having committed several crimes against property - robberies and serious thefts.

"The victims were women or underage girls, whom the suspect attacked in various locations in the Center and the Airport and took away their bags, backpacks, wallets, jewelry, phones and other valuable items. Evidence was provided that gives reasonable suspicion that he is the perpetrator of at least five such crimes, during which he acquired an illegal property benefit of about 100.000 denars. Since there are circumstances that point to the danger of escape, the possibility of influencing the proceedings and especially the likelihood of repeating such and similar crimes, the public prosecutor submitted to the judge of the preliminary proceedings from the Basic Criminal Court Skopje a proposal for determining the measure of detention for the suspect", informs from Prosecutor's office.

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