What is happening on the roads in Poloshko? Almost every month one victim

Traffic chaos Tetovo/Photo: Sloboden Pechat

During the first six months of 2024, a total of 583 traffic accidents occurred in the area of ​​SVR Tetovo, and in the same period last year, 498 accidents were registered. This year, the number of sorority women is higher, but the fact that this year, unlike last year, has five times more victims is worrying.

Out of the total number of traffic accidents, most of them - 426 happened in populated areas, and 157 on the open road. In these traffic accidents, four were with five human victims, in which four drivers and one passenger were injured, and in the same period in 2023, only one traffic accident was registered with one victim - a cyclist.

"104 people were seriously injured in 53 traffic accidents, while in the same period last year, 53 people were seriously injured in 46 traffic accidents. In the accidents, 264 were with bodily injuries, and in 2023 there were 221 such traffic accidents, while in this period 262 traffic accidents with only material damage were registered, while in 2023 there were 230 traffic accidents with material damage", said the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Aunt.

The police say that the most common cause of traffic accidents is speeding, i.e. improper speed according to the road conditions, and in 204 accidents, the improper performance of an action was the cause of 102 of the traffic accidents, and failure to give way was the cause of 98 traffic accidents.

The data show that most of the accidents happened in populated areas. The lack of adequate traffic infrastructure, especially sufficient parking space, are the most common reasons for such accidents.

Goran Hadji-Iloski Chaika, a well-known sports mopedist, says that the roads throughout Poloshko, but also throughout the country, are taking more and more victims. My data says that for the past two weeks in Macedonia, 9 moped riders have died, it is one of the darkest statistics that the state should seriously deal with.

Goran Hadji-Iloski-Cajka/ Photo: Free Press

"I will tell you about the bikers that in just 15 days, nine bikers died in Macedonia, it's really terrible, the police don't allow them to ride without a helmet and without documents, they also measure the decibel of the exhaust system. With these measures, the police can fence themselves off and confiscate their motorbikes. In Croatia, if you are caught without a helmet just once, you are fined 200 euros," said Goran Hadji-Iloski-Cajka, whom we found in Tetovo on a bicycle.

He says that in the city under Shara this means of transportation is the most practical, but also very risky. The municipality should pay attention to the infrastructure, especially the parking area.

– We cannot blame anyone. The problem is that there is no parking in Tetovo, especially in the summer when foreigners come, the crowd is really big. When I was a councilor I made the suggestion to open up the schoolyards for parking, so I think that alleviated the crowding, but a suitable location must be found and some large parking lot made. Tetovo is a beautiful city, but the culture is at zero, there is no discipline. Mostly foreigners who come with rental cars want to show off here and they cause the biggest problems. I use a bicycle because of the crowds, but even with a bicycle it's risky, you have to be very careful, you don't know which way to ride, the paths that were made for bicycles have already been removed - Goran Hadji-Iloski Čajka told us.

SVR Tetovo appeals to drivers to respect traffic rules, regulations and restrictions in order to reduce the number of traffic accidents and thus contribute to the personal and safety of all road users.

On the other hand, from the Municipality, for the time being, there are no more serious announcements for the construction of multi-storey garages, which it announced for the past two years, but canceled them with the excuse that the Municipality is in debt and has no money for, as it said, such serious capital projects.

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