What is aphasia, the severe illness that caused Bruce Willis to retire from acting?

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Many people first heard about this disease because of the Hollywood actor Bruce Willis, who announced that he was retiring from acting after being diagnosed with aphasia. The question arises - what is aphasia, how is it developed and diagnosed?

Aphasia is a language disorder caused by damage to a specific area of ​​the brain that controls language expression and comprehension.

Many people have aphasia as a result of a stroke. Men and women are equally affected, and most people with aphasia are in middle age and older.

There are many types of aphasia. They are usually diagnosed based on which area of ​​the tongue on the dominant side of the brain is involved, as well as the degree of damage.

What causes aphasia?

Aphasia is caused by damage to the tongue on the dominant side of the brain, usually the left side, and can be caused by stroke, head injury, brain tumor, infection, dementia…

It is not currently known whether aphasia causes complete loss of language structure or causes difficulties in language access and use.

What are the symptoms of aphasia?

The symptoms of aphasia depend on the type of aphasia.

People with Brock aphasia, sometimes called expressive aphasia, for example, can eliminate certain words from their language and speak in short but meaningful sentences. They can usually understand part of the speech of others.

Because the damage is in the front of the brain, it is also important for motor movements, people with Brock aphasia often have weakness on the right side or paralysis of the arms and legs.

Those with Wernicke aphasia, sometimes called receptive aphasia, may speak long, confusing sentences, add unnecessary words, or create new words. They usually have difficulty understanding the speech of others.

People with global aphasia have difficulty speaking or understanding language.

How is aphasia diagnosed?

Confirmation of aphasia, the degree of the disorder, and the prediction of successful treatment can be assessed and confirmed by a set of comprehensive language tests performed by a speech therapist.

These tests include the study of speech, naming, repetition, comprehension, reading, and writing.

Diagnosis may include the use of brain imaging procedures, such as:

Computed tomography (CT) - This is a recording test that uses X-rays and a computer to take detailed pictures of the body. CT scan shows details of bones, muscles, fat and organs. CT scan is more detailed than general X-rays.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - A diagnostic procedure that uses a combination of large magnets, radio frequencies, and computers to produce detailed images of organs and structures in the body.

Positron emission tomography (PET). A computer-based imaging technique that uses radioactive substances to examine processes in the body.

How is aphasia treated?

The healthcare professional will discuss with the patient the specific treatment for aphasia based on: age, general health and medical history, based on the patient's dominant hand (whether left-handed or right-handed), based on tolerance of certain drugs, procedures or therapies…

The goal of treatment is to improve your ability to communicate through methods that may include:

Speech therapy

- Non-verbal communication therapies, such as computers or pictures
- Group therapies for patients and their families

To live with aphasia

Some people with aphasia recover completely without treatment. But for most people, a certain amount of aphasia usually remains.

Treatments such as speech therapy can often help restore some speech and language functions over time, but many people still have communication problems.

This can sometimes be difficult and frustrating for both the person with the aphasia and the family members.

It is important for family members to learn the best ways to communicate with a loved one. Speech therapists can often help.

Suggestions may include the following:

- Involve the person with aphasia in conversations
- Simplify the language using short, simple sentences
- Repeat the keywords or write them down to clarify the meaning as needed
- Use the natural way of talking at the adult level
- Encourage all forms of communication, including speech, gestures, pointing, or drawing
- Do not correct the person's speech
- Give the person enough time to express themselves
- Help the person get involved outside the home, for example, through support groups
- For some people, computers can be useful for both communication and improving their language skills.

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