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What to watch on Netflix and HBO this weekend?

As every Friday, we try to make it easier for you to answer the question "What to watch on Netflix and HBO this weekend?".

Weekends are always reserved for a good movie or series. But searching for them can often be a tedious and frustrating process. That's why we have prepared a list of movies and series that will surely not leave you indifferent.

"Love, Divided" – a movie on Netflix

Valentina is a pianist preparing for an audition. David is a game designer who can only concentrate in complete silence. Separated by a thin wall, they try to live in harmony with each other.

Genre: Romantic Comedy / "IMDB" rating: 5.9 / "Rotten Tomatoes" rating: 67%

"Valeria" – Netflix series

Valeria is a writer experiencing creative block and marital problems. She finds solace in her three close friends: Carmen, Lola, and Nerea.

Genre: Drama / IMDB Rating: 6.6 / Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 67%

"The Quiet Maid" – HBO film

A young Colombian woman, working as a quiet housekeeper at the summer residence of a wealthy family, finds ways to enjoy the summer in her own way while observing their luxurious vacation.

Genre: comedy/drama/ IMDB rating: 6.2 / Rotten Tomatoes Rating: /

"The Rehearsal" - Netflix series

Majid works at his grandmother's school. His life takes an unexpected turn when he decides to change his life course and meets Leyal, a dog trainer.

Genre: comedy / IMDB rating: 8.5 / Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 95%

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