Bulgaria police/ Photo allOver images / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia

Six Bulgarians arrested for embezzling 62 million euros in Luxembourg

Six Bulgarians suspected of defrauding a humanitarian organization of millions of dollars were arrested on Thursday, the Bulgarian Interior Ministry and Prosecutor's Office announced. The operation is international under the auspices of Eurojust. In Bulgaria, operations were carried out in Varna, Sofia, Pernik, Sliven and Silistra.

The investigation is being led by the Luxembourg prosecutor's office, and European arrest warrants have been sent to the Bulgarian authorities.

According to a statement from the prosecutor's office, the six arrested are suspected of a major financial fraud of 62 million euros. The money came from the accounts of a humanitarian organization that works for "social assistance to people in need in Luxembourg."

The Bulgarian Interior Ministry added that the Bulgarians participated by registering companies and bank accounts in Spain. These were used to "separate the criminally embezzled funds from various funds in Luxembourg into various accounts in non-EU countries."

The suspects have been remanded in custody for 24 hours. They are from Varna. The prosecution has requested a longer detention and will initiate proceedings for their extradition to Luxembourg.

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