Six tips from Dr. Elena Arsova: What to do at home if your hair is falling out

Doctor trichologist Elena Arsova/Photo: Private archive/ Profimedia

Hair falls naturally to a certain extent and it's perfectly normal to lose some hair, but when it grows into a serious amount of hair on your head, it's time to get serious about it. Hair loss is a completely normal process and in many cases is not a cause for concern.

We can lose 50-100 hairs a day and not notice at all, because they are successively renewed with new hairs.

Whether it's due to hormonal disruption, genetics, or the changing of the seasons, hair loss causes stress and discomfort.

If you are facing hair loss that you have been noticing for a long time, among other things, it is recommended to consult a trichologist.

Doctor trichologist Elena Arsova gives us useful advice about this condition, which affects more and more people, regardless of gender and age.

1. Don't buy anti-hair loss shampoo

Although it seems like the first logical step when you notice increased hair loss, an anti-hair loss shampoo will not help. The reason is that the concentration of active ingredients in the lotion is low and cannot act effectively on the root of the hair. Also, shampoos are products made for cleaning the scalp, so their formula does not allow them to act in depth. Buy a quality shampoo that suits your scalp type, specifically a shampoo for oily scalp if you have an oily scalp or a shampoo for normal hair if you have a normal scalp type.

2. Wash and comb your hair normally

Washing your hair gently or not combing it will not prevent hair loss. Hair that falls out during washing or combing is already dead and will fall out, regardless of how you treat your hair. But in addition, by washing your hair irregularly, you will create conditions for inflammation of the scalp that will increase the existing shedding. Therefore, wash your hair as usual, regardless of shedding. Brush it regularly so you can monitor the shedding and see if it is reducing.

3. Do not drink multivitamins for hair

Of the many factors that can cause hair loss, believe it or not, vitamin deficiency is extremely rare. If you have a normal and healthy diet, you receive all the vitamins you need on a daily basis. Therefore, even if you drink hair vitamins for 3 months, you will not feel that the shedding will decrease. Nowadays only vitamin D is often low, due to our poor exposure to the sun. Vitamin D supplementation is necessary, but only if laboratory tests show a deficiency.

4. Make a blood count and examine several essential parameters

A laboratory blood analysis, examining hemoglobin, iron, ferritin, sugar, vitamin D, is enough to show you if there is any deficiency or deviation. Lack of iron or ferritin is a common cause of hair loss, so it is necessary to treat it. By correcting iron levels, hair loss will subside and hair will regrow within months. Sugar values ​​are very important nowadays, due to the increasingly common occurrence of insulin resistance in young people. Have your GP review your results.

5. Apply lotion or oils against hair loss and hair growth

You can apply an anti-hair loss lotion by massaging daily or several times a week. If the shedding is not chronic, any brand of lotion or ampoule can help. But you must apply the therapy for at least 3 months. Every two weeks, you can apply some oil for hair growth, such as peppermint oil, rosemary oil, castor oil, etc., to the scalp. Apply a small amount of the oil so that you can wash your hair easily and not to clog the pores of the follicle.

6. Don't panic. But monitor the condition of the hair

If the shedding lasts 4-6 weeks, it is a temporary shedding and will stop spontaneously. If it lasts longer, apply the above measures. If you notice new hair growth, be patient, because it takes time for new hair to grow. But if you don't notice improvement in 3 months, then contact a doctor-trichologist or a dermatologist for an extensive therapy plan. You must be aware that in advanced forms of hair loss, simple measures will not be able to solve your problem.

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