Sela: Be smart, don't touch the Albanian language

Along with this language, in these parts, Albanians were stones that sprouted, not thrown from somewhere.

The leader of a part of the Alliance for Albanians told Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski not to tamper with the Albanian language.

- Speaking of the language, it was announced for a long time that the Albanian language will not be harmed, only three articles of the law will be removed. And the truth came out, that the entire Law on the use of languages ​​is called into question. They said that as long as these questions about the Albanian language are there, the Albanian language will not be tampered with, but on the other hand, it was announced through the constitutional judges that the entire law is in question, not just three articles - says Sela.

He adds that the truth has come to light that the initiative to abolish the law on the use of languages ​​belonged to VMRO-DPMNE and that they know this and have already announced it to the public.

-An appeal to the Government, to Hristijan Mickoski, it is true that the Constitutional Court is not in question, but your initiative is to attack the Albanian language. Be smart and don't touch the Albanian language, a language that, from archeological sources and discoveries made, dates back more than 8 thousand years here in this country. And when you spend at least one seventh of these 8 thousand years in these parts, then we can talk about the Albanian language. And together with this language, in these parts, the Albanians were stones that sprouted, not thrown from somewhere. They have resisted for thousands of years and they will not resist you for these 5-6 months of rule that you are doing or I don't know how many other governments they will resist - says Sela.

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