Sela: Grubi and Begeti to withdraw from institutional and political life

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After the former deputy prime minister, Artan Grubi, was blacklisted by the United States, the president of one wing of the Alliance for Albanians, Ziyadin Sela, welcomed the decision. He called on Artan Grubi and appeals judge Enver Bejeti to withdraw from institutional and political life and face charges as citizens.

In a post on Facebook Sela wrote:

"The Alliance for Albanians continues to be one of the political actors that condemned and publicly condemns the connections of the judiciary with politics and the oligarchy. Therefore, today we welcome the latest decision of the USA, the most important strategic partner of Macedonia and the Albanian people. The fight against corruption marks an important step in building the rule of law and our future. We call on those who have been apostrophized to withdraw from institutional and political life and as free citizens to face charges. Individual responsibility is the cornerstone of a modern, impartial and democratic state. The Alliance for Albanians and I, as its chairman, remain a reliable and loyal partner. of the United States, sharing the common values ​​of democracy, freedom, and building the rule of law," Cella wrote.

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