Clemens Haselsteiner / photo: Strabag

It is known what caused the death of the 44-year-old director of Austrian Strabag, Haselsteiner

The 44-year-old CEO of Austrian construction giant Strabag, Clemens Haselsteiner, died suddenly yesterday, and the news of his death shook Austrian business circles.

As reported by the Austrian media, Haselsteiner died on Friday during a stay at the spa in Oberwellach.

According to "Kleine Zeitung", Haselsteiner died of an aneurysm, and his personal doctor says he "had no chance."

"Medically, we had no chance, any help would have arrived too late," says general practitioner Schrot, who has treated and followed the Haselsteiner family for decades.

He was with Clemens in his final moments, and he had known his two brothers since they were children.

Dr. Schrott explains that an aneurysm is a bulge in the wall of a blood vessel, most often an artery. When it ruptures, it can cause severe bleeding, which can quickly lead to death. The problem is that aneurysms often don't cause symptoms at first and are discovered incidentally during routine checkups.

Strabag is one of Austria's largest construction companies, with annual revenue of around 19 billion euros last year, according to its own figures. The group employs around 86.000 people worldwide. Clemens Haselsteiner was one of four sons of Hans Peter Haselsteiner (81), who was CEO for many years. It is not yet known who will take over the company after Clemens Haselsteiner's sudden death.

The director of the Austrian construction giant "Strabag" - the company that built a lot in Macedonia - has died suddenly.

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