The price in kindergartens in Karposh is increasing, instead of 1490 you will pay 2000 denars per month
Parents of children cared for in kindergartens in the municipality of Karposh will pay a higher price than before, that is, the monthly stay of their child will cost them 2000 denars.
At today's session, the Municipal Council adopted the proposal to increase the prices for childcare and stay of children in preschool institutions in the territory of Karposh.
Until now, the monthly fee was 1.490 denars, and from now on, 6 denars will be paid for a full-day monthly stay for a child up to the age of 2.000, and the same monthly fee will be for the stay and food of a child from 6 to 10 years old. As it was ascertained, due to the increased overhead costs and the continuous rise in the prices of food products, such a correction of the monthly participation in kindergartens was necessary, which will result in the improvement of the quality of the services that the youngest Karpošani will receive - announced from Karposh.