Photo: Municipality of Aerodrom

The sports hall is being reconstructed, and the extension of the "Blaže Koneski" school is also being worked on.

These days, a complete reconstruction of the sports hall at the "Blaze Koneski" elementary school in Michurin is underway.

The Municipality of Aerodrom informs that the gym, after 15 years, is getting a new look. The interior walls are being renovated and painted, new exercise elements are being installed, as well as energy-efficient LED lights.

The expansion of this school is taking place according to the planned dynamics, so that after several decades, the "Blaže Koneski" Primary School finally gets a modern look with new classrooms, a large hall with a stage, main stairs and an elevator, a kitchen with a dining room, new toilets and a toilet for people with special needs, as well as other auxiliary rooms - say people from Aerodrom.

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