Textbook printing/Photo: Ministry of Education

The textbooks for the next school year are being printed

The Ministry of Education announced on Facebook that the printing of all textbooks from the first to the seventh grade, which have been approved by the National Textbook Commission so far, has begun, and will be applied from the next school year.

- The process has been started on time, in the usual period of printing as in the past years and will soon be fully completed. At the end of this month or at the beginning of June at the latest, delivery will be made to all primary schools in the country, according to the requested circulation of textbooks from each school. So, students will start the new school year with completely new printed textbooks waiting for them on their desks, the announcement says.

Textbook printing/Photo: Ministry of Education

In the meantime, the Ministry of Education and Culture says that, together with other competent institutions, they will continue to invest in the development of new curricula and textbooks, as one of the basic conditions for quality education, that is, the educational process.

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