SDSM, during whose time officials' salaries increased, criticizes Mickoski for not reducing them

SDSM party building Photo: "Free Press", Dragan Mitreski

The Social Democratic Union, during which the salaries of about 1.100 elected or appointed officials in the state increased by 78 percent, today issued a statement criticizing the Government and Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski for not keeping the pre-election promise to reduce officials' salaries.

"After he raised his official salary, along with the salaries of the ministers who complained after a month that their salary should not be reduced, now Mickoski is telling stories. The salaries of the officials will not be increased after the salaries of the officials have been increased - this is what Mickoski sounds like, who until a few months ago promised something else, that as the DPMNE government, he would reduce the salaries of the officials. Mickoski did not fulfill that promise," said the opposition party.

"While Mickoski's government does not accept any amendment for higher wages for workers, for policemen, for firefighters, it refuses to increase the minimum wage, at the same time it increases the money for furniture and new vehicles for the officials. According to Mickoski, everyone should work for the minimum, but government officials and ministers should have huge salaries, enjoy their incomes and travel with business classes on the backs of citizens. Such an arrogant attitude towards the citizens has never been shown by a government like the one of Mickoski and DPMNE, as stated in the party's reaction.

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