Remediation of the consequences of the cyber attack will cost MEPSO 8,7 million denars

Power lines/ photo: Sloboden pechat/ Dragan Mitreski

The public procurement provides for the preparation of digital evidence analysis and forensics, but also the recovery of data from the files that were the target of the cyber attack.

8,7 denars will be paid by MEPSO to deal with the consequences of the cyber attack that left the Joint Stock Company without its servers and website three days ago, TV Sitel reports. The public procurement provides for the preparation of digital evidence analysis and forensics, but also the recovery of data from the files that were the target of the cyber attack.

The MEPSO attack was carried out by two hacker groups, but the quick reaction of private sector IT experts prevented the state-owned company from paying a ransom for the data.

With the country's entry into the NATO Alliance, Macedonian institutions have become even more attractive to hacker groups. But the state is late both with digitization and with the protection of data stored on the Internet. The issue of digital security has yet to become a priority for the authorities. The state does not even have a cyber security strategy.

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