Darko Anicin's solo exhibition "Masterpiece of Creation" is on display at Ko-Ra Gallery

The exhibition will be opened on September 16, at 20 p.m., in the "Ko-Ra" Gallery.

In Gallery "Ko-Ra" - large hall, JU House of Culture "Kocho Racin" - Skopje, on September 16, at 20 p.m., the independent exhibition "Masterpiece of creation" of the academic graphic artist and graphic designer Darko Anitsin will be opened. .

The project started with the publication of a public call / interactive contest for audience participation, where citizens sent one photo proposal from their favorite mountain place / mountain massif or the highest point / peak, which affirms or characterizes the climate where they come from.

The author of the exhibition received photos of the mountains, mountain massifs or peaks of Shar Planina, Korab, Bistra, Stogovo, Yakupica, Baba, Jablanica, Galichica, Nidze, Kozhuf and Suva Gora. After selecting the photos, Darko Anitsin created 25 acrylic works that he will present at the interactive exhibition.

Each work of art is named after the selected photo, mountain area, peak... (eg name of the work of art: Golem Korab - 2.764 m. - the highest point of the Korap massif).

The project "Masterpiece of Creation" as an interactive exhibition by Darko Anitsin is supported by the Ministry of Culture through the 2024 annual competition for financing projects of national interest in culture.

Darko Anitsin (1977, Skopje) is an academic graphic artist and graphic designer who received his education at the secondary art school "Lazar Lichenoski", and then at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje.

For 25 years, he has mostly expressed his creativity through engagements in the field of graphic design, which is why he is most recognizable to the general public.

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