Job fair: Even benefits don't help find workers
Human resource specialists of large retail chains highlight the lack of sales and service personnel as the most critical
The lack of qualified labor is worrying, especially in trade and construction, and some of the companies interviewed by "Sloboden Pechat" specifically point out that the sales segment is the most vulnerable, but no less workers are lacking in the delicatessen, butcher, bakery, as well as warehouse workers. , drivers and distributors. The human resources specialists of the largest retail chains are unanimous that workers are no longer a problem only in the summer period, but also throughout the year, and they point the finger at the massive outflow of labor.
Judging by their massive presence at the Employment Fair organized by the Chamber of Commerce and USAID, the offer of serious benefits, incentives, awards, trainings and help for schooling does not help either, because the well of manpower in the country is slowly reaching the bottom.
– It is increasingly difficult to find qualified staff, although we are constantly introducing new employee benefits, additional days off and points for employee shopping. All the sales profiles in the markets are missing, and such fairs are a good opportunity for direct conversation and interviews with the unemployed - say the "Tinex" trade chain.
The company "Reptil" is facing a similar problem, and their personnel specialists state that one of the problems is the seasonal departure of their workers, who, after their contracts are over, return again and think that the job should be waiting for them.
- There is a big shortage of staff for the delicatessen and the meat section, as well as for sellers. This is not only our problem, but everyone in the trade, and we try to provide all kinds of benefits and trainings for our employees - briefed by "Reptile".
The outflow of labor becomes year-round, not only seasonal, Ramstor adds, and the company points out that they use all platforms to reach qualified staff, and such fairs are a particularly good opportunity to provide labor. The processing industry is also looking for general workers, drivers, distributors, storekeepers, "Pekabesco" points out, and "Douty Komerc" company says that they do not have a problem in the administrative part, but it is more and more pronounced among general workers and drivers. The shortage is managed with solid benefits in addition to salary.
From the construction company "Zhikol", among other things, they point out the lack of highly professional staff in the sector.
- Our builders, both highly and low-skilled, are leaving for Germany, and this puts pressure on us for the company's further development plans - assesses from "Zhikol".
According to Natasa Janevska, president of the Council for the Improvement of the Quality of Training and Training at SKSM, the importation of labor force into the country has not proven to be the best solution, and precisely the lack of labor force is one of the key problems faced by the companies, because of which they also suffer. the entire Macedonian economy.
- The Chamber of Commerce, which wants to attract the able-bodied population in our country, is precisely why it organizes such fairs so that companies can supplement the jobs with professional staff - emphasized Janevska.
Dible: 420 Roma are employed through USAID programs
USAID is committed to inclusiveness that strengthens democracy, human rights and economic growth. Through our programs, 420 Roma have been employed in private companies or through self-employment grants. These programs go beyond jobs - they build dignity, security and paths to a better future, said today the representative of the USAID office in North Macedonia, Jerry Dibble, at the opening of the Employment Fair in Skopje.
- I congratulate "Romalitiko" and SKSM for connecting Roma, who are looking for work, with inclusive employers such as the "Laer" corporation, which has employed more than 200 Roma, including in leadership roles - underscored Dible.