The US has approved a $20 billion loan to Ukraine that will be repaid from seized Russian assets


The United States has approved a loan of 20 billion dollars for Ukraine, as part of the program for an extraordinary increase in revenues for the functioning of the Government of Ukraine.

The money will be distributed through USAID and within the commitment of the G-7 countries to provide a total of 50 billion dollars in order to respond to the critical and urgent financial needs of Ukraine, according to today's announcement from USAID.

"Funds from this loan will be transferred today to the World Bank's Financial Intermediaries Fund for Strengthening the Financial Resources of Ukraine, which will serve as a trustee and administrator for the distribution of loan contributions from the United States, Canada and Japan to Ukraine," USAID said.

The $20 billion loan will provide immediate support to Ukraine and will be repaid through future proceeds from Russian assets seized by the European Union.

-These outstanding revenues will be used to repay ERA lenders, such as the US, in order to provide aid to Ukraine while minimizing the burden on US taxpayers. This loan will use the proceeds from frozen Russian sovereign assets to cover damages caused by Russia.

The Biden administration aims to put Ukraine in the strongest possible position and will continue to take significant steps to help the country in its fight against Russia and the future it deserves.

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