Miroslav grunted
Miroslav Grchev. / Photo: Private archive

Russia is a country!

No facts of material reality can force NATO countries to change or at least correct the completely distorted and fabricated for military propaganda purposes version of the reasons for the outbreak of the war, the arguments for its further conduct, and, of course, the ultimate goals of the war.

The European subcontinent has been at war for almost three years, and there is still no end in sight. The majority of European countries, the former empires of the Old World that have been conquering the planet for the last four centuries, together with a bunch of country clients and patients that have recently emerged from the crushing of the disappeared empires and federations, all like puffed-up yellow-feathered chicks hidden under the outstretched wings of the American eagle-hen, repeat the same false mantra about the war, expecting reality to do a backflip to come closer to the persistent delusion. No facts of material reality can force the NATO countries to change or at least correct the completely distorted and fabricated for military-propaganda purposes version of the reasons for the outbreak of the war, the arguments for its further conduct, and, of course, the ultimate goals of the war.

In conditions of totalitarian unification of the one and only truth that rules the "free world", military censorship and the ban on broadcasting anything of Russian origin (but also of Chinese, Indian or any other origin that did not emerge from the dark room of the NATO Ministry of Truth), the official and only permitted version of the Russian-Ukrainian war is the same as on the first day of the war.

However, the root cause of Russia's completely unprovoked aggression and the seizure of 20 percent of Ukraine's territory is Putin's ulterior imperialist ambitions - the new Hitler and/or Genghis Khan of the East, with which this irrational autocrat wants to rebuild the Tsarist Russian Empire, then continue to swallow all of Europe and not stop until he has swallowed Sicily, Gibraltar, Ireland, Iceland, and Greenland.

Therefore, in order to defend European civilization and democracy from Putin's authoritarian Asian hordes, Ukraine will be aided with weapons and money, however necessary and however long the war lasts, until the Ukrainian victory and Russia's strategic defeat. The defeat should be of such proportions that Russia will never again be able to carry out aggressions against the European Garden of Eden, as we all know it has done throughout history, from Napoleon's campaign, to the Crimean War, World War I, the South Russian Intervention of 1918, as well as in World War II. Until Russia's defeat, all bridges to the aggressor will be burned, diplomacy and any negotiations will be abolished and declared immoral, because one does not negotiate with radical evil. Pacifism will be ostracized, because it directly benefits Putin's aggression. War is the only way to peace, or in short: War is peace! And in the end, the war will be fought on Ukrainian and Russian territory, Ukrainian and Russian blood will be shed, as long as there are men to slaughter, down to the last Ukrainian, who, by some crazy math, is believed to survive after the last Russian has perished. Something like that.

This small-minded "truth" is not at all bothered by the elephantine contradiction at its core, namely, if Russia is so monstrously powerful that it poses a real threat to militarily defeat and occupy all European countries (and the USA, for that matter), all members of the NATO alliance, then how stupid must the premise be that Ukraine (with the help of the aforementioned defeated wretches) can militarily defeat this monstrous adversary?! This is, therefore, a classic example of Orwellian doublethink, i.e. the totalitarian assertion and persistence of two mutually exclusive and opposing positions.

The fact that this persistent official mantra has no real fact or material evidence to support it, and that for the third year in a row, reality has been on the other side of the universe, has clearly not been convincing enough to date for our side to change or correct our propaganda “truth.” But the truth that the Russian military intervention is reactive and even provoked, that is, that it is a military response to decades of unsuccessful diplomatic efforts by the Russian authorities to convince America and its yellow NATO chicks to stop NATO’s sometimes violent expansion towards Russia’s borders, has still trickled timidly but persistently, like autumn rain, from the increasingly dense Internet cloud.

From this dark cloud, statements by senior NATO officers, presidents, prime ministers and other NATO corporals are pouring out in abundance, whose simple-hearted stupidity makes them disarmingly honest in their careless statements, from which the truth – contrary to their official mantra – aggressively and indecently peeks out, like the devil's goat horns from under the bride's neck. I will take out a few exact quotes, just to illustrate this sad honesty, which erupts as a consequence of the lowest intellectual level of the European political elites in the last 2800 years, since the bull-faced Zeus deceived Europe.

On September 7, 2023, in a speech before the EU Joint Committee, then NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg stated: "In the fall of 2021, President Putin sent a draft agreement to NATO in which the alliance was supposed to promise in writing that there would be no more NATO expansion. And that this was a prerequisite for Russia not to intervene militarily in Ukraine. Of course, we did not sign it. He went to war to prevent NATO from expanding closer to its borders. And he got exactly the opposite," Stoltenberg concluded with satisfaction (alluding to the accession of Sweden and Finland to the NATO alliance). This is the most concise explanation of the reasons for the Russian-Ukrainian war, and certainly the most meritorious refutation of the endlessly repeated lie of NATO propaganda about the "unprovoked" Russian aggression.

Boris Johnson's statement on the West's position on the peace talks between Ukraine and Russia in Istanbul is literally this: "We will not sign anything and we will continue to fight," as if this British courtier himself were shedding his own blood on the fertile Ukrainian soil. His is also the lapidary definition of who is actually fighting in Ukraine (and Russia): "We (the West) are actually waging a proxy war (war through a proxy, m.z.) against the Russians." The statement by Zelensky, the Ukrainian jerk who forcibly sent hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men to their deaths, explained the logic of the proxy war, as well as whose interests it is being waged, as follows: "The American army does not have to fight for the interests of NATO, the Ukrainians will do that... I think that is a good solution."

This cruel logic was confirmed by the then Prime Minister of Poland, Andrzej Duda: “The lives of Ukrainian soldiers are much cheaper than the lives of military personnel from the United States and Europe.” And this statement is confirmed by the West every day, not once reporting on the unacceptably high loss of human lives on the Ukrainian front, on more than a thousand dead soldiers every single day, from which springs the icy disrespect for human life as such (but also the Nazi attitude that Slavic lives are worth nothing). To this can be added the terrible statement of the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken: “Ukraine must mobilize 18-year-old boys.” Bravo master!

And, while we are already in the zone of the most stupid honesty of Western political giants, American Senator Lindsey Graham is in the convincing lead: "There are trillions of dollars worth of resources buried in Ukraine, and they will all be ours, American, and American soldiers will not have to die for it." And, let me finish with the funniest and at the same time most deadly statements of European leaders. First, Latvian President Rinkėvičs: "Ukraine must win, Russia must be defeated. Russia delenda est! (Russia must be destroyed!)".

And finally, the cherry on top of the cake, Kaja Kallas, the former Prime Minister of Estonia and today's first diplomat of the European Union, who with a calm diplomatic charm and the idiotic smile of a shy eleven-year-old girl publicly announced that the war in Ukraine must end with a Russian defeat, followed by the disintegration of the former Russia into several smaller states, "which is not a bad thing, right," says the lovely Kaja. Do we need to comment on this gem: the head of European diplomacy is touting Hitler's plan for Russia as a charming solution to the European crisis?!

(The author is an architect and university professor)


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