Ruskovska: The case with "Besa Trans" in Bulgaria is closed, the driver was found to be the only one guilty

The burning Macedonian bus in Bulgaria
The burning Macedonian bus in Bulgaria / Photo EPA-EFE / VASSIL DONEV

The former head of the Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption, Vilma Ruskovska, said in the show "Inside 21" that, according to her information, the case of the bus accident, in which 45 Macedonian citizens died, is closed in Bulgaria.

"We handed over all the materials we had to our colleagues from Bulgaria. "As far as I have information, the case in Bulgaria is closed, allegedly the driver was to blame for the terrible accident," said Ruskovska.

She said that there must be responsibility among our institutions and that the case cannot be closed only by transferring all the blame to the driver.

"Since the case is under the jurisdiction of the Public Prosecutor's Office, I have no information about where it is. "But someone must bear responsibility, considering that they did not have licenses for international traffic of persons, and not only from the company, but customs officers and policemen, because those buses crossed the border very often," said Ruskovska.

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